Monday, March 29, 2010

Making Lemonade

The saying goes, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” but what if you aren’t in the mood for lemonade? What if you are having a bad day with your boyfriend? What if you can’t do a thing with your hair? Some days you just don’t feel like trying to make the best of it. You just want to scream or curl up in your bed and cry.

What do you do when life isn’t treating you right? Do you try to make lemonade or find someone to throw lemons at? I have found a couple of things that help me sometimes. One is reading a good book. The characters in books always seem to have it worse than I do. Reading their stories helps me to put my life in perspective or just forget it for a little while. The other is exercise. Working out, whether it is aerobics, swimming, or a long walk seems to clear my head.

So even when you are having a bad day and feel like throwing all of those lemons at someone, try to remember tomorrow will come. If you find a friend to talk to, a book to read, or take a walk; maybe it will clear your head.

What is going on in your life? Are you having a great sunny day or another downpour? What do you need to make this a better day?

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